What is information security ?

Information security is the means of defending information or data stored either physically or electronically from being accessed by unauthorized personnel . During World War 2 , No one knew that the U.S. had nuclear weapons. The then president of the USA. Franklin D. Roosevelt approved of the Manhattan Project that paved the way forContinue reading “What is information security ?”

Types of data

Data can be classified as publicly available data , confidential data and restricted or private data. When data is publicly available to all It is known as publicly available data. Example : A banks balance sheets and insurance policy details , Governments tend to notices and joke posts held by authorities etc . when dataContinue reading “Types of data”

Introduction to Information Security

Objective : This introduction is aimed at imparting a basic understanding of what information security is all about and covers a broad spectrum of topics in the information security arena. Outcome: At the end of this chapter you will have a clear understanding of concepts related to information security.

What is Information ?

Introduction to information security : leaving the second word alone for now. First we need to ask what information is. Information is nothing but process data.Sounds too technical. What is data then ? Data is simply a collection of facts or values which may exist in different forms as numbers or text on pieces ofContinue reading “What is Information ?”

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